We offer different levels of service and solutions to local and international industries in the domain of Industrial Digital Transformation. The services will focus on providing Holistic Digital Twins (HDTs) of assets of different manufacturing domains, e.g. of machining, aviation, wood processing, automotive, and mining. We work with clients to develop new technologies, improve manufacturing operations, and benchmark against the world’s best practices. Our unique access to a global research base (across North America and Europe) and our vast experience give customers an unparalleled advantage.
The overall service portfolio offered by C-IDT addresses various segments of the value chain, including:
- licensing
- design and development
- prototyping
- proof of concept
- testing and validation
- standardization
- custom tailored solutions
Bridging the gap between research and funtional technology
Fraunhofer Institutes work with industries in a variety of sectors and universities, globally, to scale up cutting-edge research into real functional technologies on an industrial timetable. Generally, the product development cycle shows a gap between the early stage research being performed in universities and national laboratories (such as National Research Council, Canada) and the product manufacturing stage which is done in industry. As this gap is affecting the pace of product development cycle, has been the focus of Fraunhofer Institutes for over 50 years. The current collaboration on IDT and teaming up with UBC and Canadian industrial clients will facilitate the movement of new research from the idea stage to the factory floor.

For more information about our services, please contact us at C-IDT@apsc.ubc.ca.